Monday, November 9, 2015

The Day

While today started out pretty wet, we have moved much further south and it looks to be much drier here.  This puts us much closer to the everglades for tomorrow. 
After some research, I settled on a small private hotel in Stuart, Fl, The Harbor Inn & Marina.  It is very nice but reasonable and after the very rainy night we had last night, it is a much needed stop.
Tomorrow, we hope to make Flamingo where we will set up camp and spend 2 or 3 nights.  It is quite remote and as I understand it, there is little or no cell service.  So if I do not post for a while, just be patient.   I will catch everything up when we get back to civilization.
Muffintop (the camper) has done well.  I purchased some seam sealer that will get applied when we set her up again.  I am learning that, while popups are great campers, they are not ideal for campground hopping.  Once they are set up, you want to leave them set up for a while.
My grandfather always said a good camper is one that can be set up in 3 minutes.  Muffintop took an hour.  'Not sure if we can shave 57 minutes off that time.  I think a small "camper camper" is in our future.  Time will tell.

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