Saturday, July 25, 2015

Things I Learned Today

I have always aimed to be, and have always  cosidered my self to be,p  a slow paced photographer.  I now know for surr that I am not slow enough.  Because my methodology of lighting, composing, posing, shooting has become so complex, I have had to learn to compartmentalize it.  I, far too often, calculate everything that needs to be done to get a shot so fast, that memory of the act of creating the image is only a blur.  I will often barely even remember shooting it.

I have to slow down. 

This slowing down will allow me to move forward with confirmation that I have an image technically correct, which I am even more aware now, is a high priority for me. 

I have a bad habit of cosidering an image complete once it meets my technical expectations.   This is a mistake.  This class is changing my ideals on what I consider complete.  Once the technical is complete, then an image is ready to begin creating. 

I have been quiting at the beginning step.

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