Wednesday, July 29, 2015


This class has revealed some pretty deep things about my ideals and methodology about image making for me.  It is quite emotional to admit your perceived faults.

I have learned a lot and feel that i have been given seeds that I will have to grow my self.  No class can propel your work above a certain level.  Only you can do that.  There are classes that can show you the direction and Jenifer Thoreson's class is absolutely that.

Her process and ideals are so passively powerful that one can not help be affected by the experience.  Her influence is not likely to overpower one's work bet will inevitably change it for the better.

Following are a couple of images that I made during the workshop.  They are very much so out of my comfort zone and in no way as complete as I could make them.  I prefer to enjoy them as they are for now though.

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